
It turns out there is something more difficult than the financing and development of a luxury retirement community, the long life of which spanned from its initial municipal approval in

Continue Reading A Recipe for Rule 12(b) Failure: Unsavory Complexity, a Pinch of Confusion, and an Overflowing Cup of Acronyms

The Palmetto Medical Group had a “messy divorce.”

Palmetto’s three physicians had settled into “mutual distrust” and got a good distance down the road toward separation by negotiating a Practice

Continue Reading When “Divorcing” Physicians Scuffle Over Contractual Plans to Honor Patient Choice, do they Render Medical Service?

When Philip Harvey died in December 2021 he owned more than 400 shares of common capital stock in PHE, Inc., a Hillsborough, North Carolina-based business that sells sexual wellness

Continue Reading Sex Toy Titan Sues Estate of Founder to Compel Redemption of Shares Whose Value May Exceed $60 Million

The minority shareholders of a podiatry practice felt like they had been kicked around by the alleged financial misadventures of two colleagues who together controlled an 80 percent interest. A

Continue Reading Minority Shareholders can “Follow the Money” Linked To Alleged Diversions by Majority for Phantom Salaries and Benefits

As failed commercial property deals go, the one at the heart of Miriam Equities, LLC v. LB-UBS-2007-C2 Millstream Road LLC, 2022 NCBC 3, was not outside the norm
Continue Reading “As Is” Purchases of Commercial Property May Come with Limited Remedial Tools to Avoid Closing, Business Court Confirms

Hog Supplier Allowed Discovery to Prove Smithfield Foods Impermissibly Favored Other Vendors Despite Contract Clause

The paths that lead to the North Carolina Business Court are often paved with the
Continue Reading NC Business Court Refuses to Strike a Most-Favored-Nation Clause Challenged as Hopelessly Vague by Pork Industry Titan