Maybe the third time is really only the charm in Baltimore. But at least sometimes a third shot at a sufficiently pled complaint in North Carolina can still carry
Continue Reading Third Time’s the Charm. Mostly.
Analysis of North Carolina Business Court Decisions (and other musings)
Maybe the third time is really only the charm in Baltimore. But at least sometimes a third shot at a sufficiently pled complaint in North Carolina can still carry…
Continue Reading Third Time’s the Charm. Mostly.A Charlotte area law firm alleged it struck a necessary, and rather ordinary, deal with departing partners to divide fees on contingent cases transitioning among firms based on time expended…
Continue Reading In Planning a Law Firm Exit, Business Court Commends Attention to the Things that Go UnspokenJesse Shaver alleges that a founder and CEO of Raleigh-based defense contractor Vadum, Inc., “tricked him into losing his right to equity” in the company. In Shaver v. Walker…
Continue Reading Campsite Moments: Stars, S’Mores, and Statements of Material FactThe North Carolina Supreme Court…
Continue Reading Some Corporate Insiders Can Safely Throw Stones from Glass Offices
The CBD product market, by some estimates,…
Continue Reading The Trouble with Trebles
When a motion for reconsideration…
Continue Reading To Thine Own Documents be True
A “failed deal” or contract often gives rise to claims for breach of contract, fraud, and/or negligent misrepresentation.
Continue Reading Scrutinizing With Particularity